Sergey Brin’s Search for a Parkinson’s Cure
A fabulous and informative article about a hopeful direction in Parkinson's research. I'm especially interested in this as my father suffers from it. It's funny how Parkinson's is characterized by the tremors, or as father calls it, the shakes. But when you cross the border into the land of dementia, living with someone with Parkinson's is almost like living with a part-time schizophrenic. Is it the Sinemet? Is it the Mirapex? Is it worth it? My father routinely yells at "the people" in our house, jumps out of his scooter to chase them away. I wonder if the medications give him the ability to move and the curse of seeing and hearing things that are not there. It's so hard not to respond to his hallucinations. No, they're not there. No one is here. No one is tapping the phone lines. No one cut down that tree and put it back together with metal strips. People are not jumping over the fence to get into our backyard. There is no little girl in the corner. I don't see construction workers working on our house. No one is standing by the window.
I often look for old movies to distract him. Right now, he's watching The Magnificent Seven. A great distracter.
Church tomorrow. Chocolate pudding and a good book tonight.
I too have Parkinson's Disease. While I do have the shakes, my primary symptom is muscle rigidity. My doctors tell me there is no effective medication. I just have to tough it out.
May God bless you and your father!
Thank you :)
All the best to you.
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