Wednesday, April 23, 2008

research projects

We submitted our choices for research projects yesterday. There were 24 options. We were asked to pick 5. Groups are being assembled based on class choices. These were our choices.

  1. To what extent do individuals who have had total knee or total hip replacements use the adaptive equipment provided to them during their rehabilitation at ---- ---- Hospital?
  2. The role of the extensor digitorium communis muscle in hand function.
  3. How stress reactions from traumatic hand injuries influence the patient’s response to and participation in hand care occupational therapy?
  4. Ongoing program evaluation and development- NYU Entry-Level OT Program-Perceptions of Older Adults.
  5. Ongoing program evaluation and development-NYU Entry-Level OT Program-Perception of the occupational therapy curriculum effectiveness.
  6. How much edema does it take to affect function?
  7. To what extent are hand strength outcome scores influenced by knowing what the score is while engaged in voluntary isometric contraction against the instrument?
  8. What is an effective way to measure thumb opposition?
  9. A look at the current methods used in hand therapy clinics for the measurement of and the management of scarring in the palm.
  10. The influence of homework and home treatment programs on family life.
  11. An Efficacy Study of Handwriting Interventions for School-Aged Children, Grades 1-2.
  12. Ongoing program evaluation and development-NYU Entry-Level OT Program-Multi-Cultural Awareness as part of the new curriculum.
  13. What are the inter-rater and intra-rater reliabilities of the "Posture and Fine Motor Assessment of Infants"?
  14. Feeding problems in preterm infants.
  15. Exploratory study on infants who have feeding problems.
  16. Study of the face validity of the social skills measurement checklist.
  17. Designing and implementing a focus group to examine curricula match for fieldwork experience.
  18. Survey of Preferred Interests in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
  19. Comparison of Children's Participation and Enjoyment of Activities between children with ASD and typically developing children.
  20. Clinician’s View of Accessibility.
  21. An Investigation of Environmental Accessibility
  22. Underlying Mechanisms of the Handwriting Ability in Primary School Children.
  23. The Relationship between Performance on the Sensori-Motor Test and handwriting ability of Primary School Children.
  24. Comparison of the Sensori-Motor Function in Primary children with good or poor handwriting skills.

Each project is headed by one or two mentors. Obviously, I chose all the hand projects.

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